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无题 No. 1
Jin F 金峰
60 x 80cm
Price: 咨询价格
无题 No. 2
Jin F 金峰
60 x 80cm
Price: 咨询价格
无题 No. 3
Jin F 金峰
60 x 80cm
Price: 咨询价格
无题 No. 4
Jin F 金峰
60 x 80cm
Price: 咨询价格
无题 No. 5
Jin F 金峰
60 x 80cm
Price: 咨询价格
艺术家:  Jin F 金峰
传记:  金峰生于上海 1991年,毕业于中国纺织大学(现东华大学) 1997年 97’上海油画邀请展 上海当代书画院 1997年 上海市第四届体育美展 上海美术展 1999年 99’上海青年美术大展 刘海粟美术馆 1999年 上海抽象艺术沙龙邀请展 上海美术学院 2000年 “堕性于伪装”纸上作品展 同上 2000年 个展 上海油塑院
描述:  When I was a child, our block was quite enclosed by the surrounding farming lands. Outside the peripheral wall of the block is the place where I first learnt to attack breeding buffaloes with slingshot, to swim, to fish crayfishes, to catch crickets, to smoke ¡ ¡ When the oil plants are in blossom, under the azure sky and snow-white clouds, in the middle of the golden, fragrant land, we climbed up to the top of the abandoned bulwark and think about the future and the spreading seeds of love. The peripheral wall is the boundary between the workers and farmers. In many summers, I treaded along this short boundary inch by inch. The reward is full pockets of cicadas, scars and bruises from climbing. Inside the peripheral wall, there are straight rows of buildings, cement roads and the school I went to. People in the block all became acquaintances to each other. Almost every time those two persons encountered each other, the same question was there: " Where are you going?" "Shanghai." What does Shanghai mean to us? A busy and booming place that has more or less relationship to us. So many years passed. The peripheral wall of our blocks was gone. Even larger residential blocks now surround our block. No one says that he is heading for Shanghai any more because commuting between the downtown and the suburb has become a daily issue as well as a primary reason for the traffic congestion in the adjacency. We are also surrounded by Shanghai. In days that there are no lessons for me, I stay in my studio and proceed with my works. If it is a day of breeze and tender sunshine, I will stand in the balcony in our Workers and Farmers Block, accompanied by the singing of Pavarotti and the sound of the clothes hung at both sides of street and being blown over by the wind. My memory will be brought back again to the bygone days of the oil plants and the wind-brushed clean top of bulwark...